
发布日期:2023-02-27 05:19    点击次数:204



Supreme remarks


August 25, 2005.



This day was a happy day in Addis Ababa City, and also a memorable day in the history of the development of Xinghe Building Materials Company.


The weather was fine. It was a beautiful sunny day.


Located in the suburb of Addis Ababa, China Xinghe Straw Factory, from a distance, was like to have a festival here, with colorful flags flying, flowers blossoming, crowds rumbling, and motorcade in a line. A vigorous and well-dressed military band stood under the national flags of China and Ethiopia, playing the national anthems of China and Ethiopia. Journalists at home and abroad with cameras on their shoulders waited at the factory gates for the President and other government officials to arrive. The drum band with national characteristics of Ethiopia was beating the sonorous national drum music with high rhythm. Teams of Ethiopian boys and girls dressed in their national costumes were singing and dancing on the grass, and there were waves of laughter from the crowd.



Here became the sea of flowers, the sea of songs, and the sea of joys.


Close by, a banner of "Opening Ceremony of China Xinghe Straw Factory" in both Chinese and Ethiopian characters was hung on the newly built plant. In the open space in front of the factory, there was a ceremonial rostrum decorated by green silk.


At about 9 a.m., when President Gilmar, wearing a white suit and white hat, stepped out of the car and entered the site, accompanied by the Minister of State Affairs, Minister of Construction, Minister of Environment and other officials, the drumbeat of military band broke out, and the audience burst into warm applauses. President Gilmar was a revered figure in his country, and when the local residents heard of his arrival, the nearby areas were filled with cheering crowds. President Gilmar heard the cheers of the crowd; from time to time he stopped and waved to the crowds far and near. Our Ambassador Lin Lin and other embassy officials as well as Xinghe Company’s Zhou Xinghe and other staffs were already here. When President Gilmar arrived on time, they immediately welcomed him.


The President was in a good mood. He saw Ambassador Lin Lin and Zhou Xinghe, took two steps ahead of him, and shook hands kindly with them. When Minister Akobbe introduced Zhou Xinghe to him, President Gilmar told them through an interpreter that he thanked Chinese enterprises for investing and building factories here, which brought happiness and good fortune to the Ethiopian people. Then, surrounded by a large crowd, the President walked into the factory workshop to see the plant had been built and equipment installed, to see what the factory had produced and to see how it was made. Throughout, he wore a relieved smile on his face. From time to time, he stopped to ask Zhou Xinghe behind him about the source of raw materials for the products, the types of products, the output of the products, and what difficulties the factory had after it was put into production. Zhou Xinghe gave an introduction and explanation to the President.


"Ok, very good." President Gilmar listened to what Zhou Xinghe had told him. He kept nodding his head and saying yes, and often turned to Akobbe and the others to instruct them something.


At the end of the visit, President Gilmar and the distinguished guests walked onto the rostrum in the welcoming song played by the military band. At 10:30, the ribbon-cutting ceremony officially began.


The ceremony was presided over by Akobbe, Minister of State Affairs of Ethiopia.



Zhou Xinghe began the ceremony with a speech of welcome. In his speech, he thanked to the Ethiopian government, the Chinese embassy in Ethiopia for the support and help to Xinghe Building Materials settling down in Ethiopia, thanked the profound friendship of Ethiopian government and people to Chinese people, and introduced their patent awards at home and abroad, the application conditions both at home and abroad, as well as the social, economic and environmental benefits after Xinghe Building Materials Factory in Ethiopia was completed, and showed the outlook of Xinghe Building Materials’ development in Ethiopia.



Zhou Xinghe concluded by saying, "As a Chinese proverb goes, 'A bosom friend afar brings distant land near'. Now, we do find a friend afar. We came to Ethiopia where the government treated us like a friend and the people treated us like a brother. Today, the honorable President Gilmar is here to cut the ribbon for our project, which gives us the highest honor and gives us full confidence in our development here. I believe that Xinghe Building Materials can benefit the Chinese people, and will also benefit the Ethiopian people; I believe, with our joint efforts, in the near future, the people here can make full use of their own resources, with their hard-working hands to improve their living conditions, so that all the poor people can live in the house not afraid of typhoon, rain,皇冠管理端 fire, or earthquake! ..."


Zhou Xinghe's affectionate speech drew bursts of applauses on the site.


Ambassador Lin Lin of the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia also gave a warm speech. He said: Both China and Ethiopia are the developing countries and it is our unshirkable responsibility to help the development of the African people. The Chinese people have always been friends of the African people, but more importantly of the Ethiopian people. The two peoples have established a brotherly friendship in the course of long-term exchanges. Today, the successful settlement of China Xinghe Building Materials in Ethiopia is the best testimony to the friendship between the peoples of two countries. Ethiopia has introduced the mature straw building materials production technology from China according to its national conditions. China Xinghe Company has invested and set up a factory here, which will soon be put into production. This is a gratifying thing to celebrate. Xinghe Building Materials are the green environmental-protection building materials, and has a broad prospect of development and application in Africa. This far-sighted decision of the Ethiopian government will make more effective use of the abandoned resources here, provide housing for urban and rural residents, increase employment, and promote the industrialization for the benefit of the people.


Ambassador Lin Lin concluded by saying, "Today, Ethiopia is at the forefront of the introduction and application of Xinghe building materials in Africa - President Gilmar's presence at the ribbon-cutting ceremony today demonstrates the importance of the Ethiopian government attached to this construction project. I believe that Xinghe Building Materials will surely take root, blossom and bear fruits in Ethiopia, become a model of political and economic cooperation between the two countries, and add luster to the traditional friendship between the two countries! ..."


Amid warm applauses, President Gilmar stepped up to the microphone and delivered his speech. He said: Chinese people have always been friends of the Ethiopian people. In recent years in particular, with the rapid economic development and the continuous improvement of China's international status, the Chinese people have also given more and more support to the African people. In telecommunications, railways, hydropower, mineral resources and other areas have given Ethiopia great help and support. The Ethiopian government attaches great importance to and supports the introduction of a complete set of Xinghe building materials technology and equipment, and the establishment of a factory in Ethiopia to produce new building materials. Why is that? Because this kind of building materials adapt to the development of our society, it can produce huge social, economic and environmental protection effect; it is also because Xinghe Company's technology is mature and reliable, and our cooperation is honest and trustworthy. Today, Xinghe Building Materials Factory has been put into production in Ethiopia, which is a matter worthy of joy and celebration! I believe that Xinghe building materials are much useful in Ethiopia, and have a great prospect of development, and can benefit the Ethiopian people!


Finally, President Gilmar raised his right hand, raised his voice, and ended his speech with a simple and clear sentence: "I believe that this patented technology can change the fate of building materials in Africa!"


"This patented technology can change the fate of building materials in Africa!" Hearing this sentence, Zhou Xinghe’s eyes were unexpectedly a bit wetted - over these years, Xinghe building materials were so difficult to promote in domestic step by step, but here, President Gilma made the supreme remarks to Xinghe building materials!


At the end of the speech, President Gilmar, Ambassador Lin Lin, Zhou Xinghe and others stepped off the rostrum and were led to the grass by a ceremonial lady. Several graceful Ethiopian hostesses in white dresses were standing in front of the rostrum, with white ribbons held by them. A lady brought a red tray with scissors to President Gilmar, Ambassador Lin Lin and Zhou Xinghe respectively. They picked up the scissors, looked at each other, and together cut the ribbon in front of them!


All of a sudden, the sound of military music, drums, cheers, applauses burst aloud; the doves flying and whistling over people's heads, with the two peoples’ hope for peace and friendship, stroke into the blue sky far away, and gradually disappeared...


"Mr. Zhou Xinghe, you are welcome to my home." Upon leaving, President Gilmar told Zhou Xinghe through an interpreter when he shook hands with him.


"Thank you." A little overjoyed, Zhou Xinghe replied to the President, "When our project is fully successful here, I will definitely visit you at the mansion."


President Gilmar's presence at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for Xinghe Building Materials Factory was splashed across the front page of the country's most influential national newspaper, even the news of the U.S. Vice President's state visit was put alongside. Journalists from China's Xinhua News Agency also interviewed President Gilmar and Zhou Xinghe on the spot, and published the commentary of "Reflections on the Xinghe Phenomenon" in domestic newspapers, which attracted great attention from the building materials industry at home and abroad.于2021年9月5日《廉政内参》第4期的第38页“东谈主民意声”栏目刊登标题“我国建筑和建材限度一场颠覆性的翻新”,其中第三节(第42页)小标题“愿银河新式材料的伟大发明得到国度纵情推论,造福东谈主类”的第七行摘记:“在目下中国,操纵我方研发的高新科技效果走向宇宙的有两个东谈主和两个步地:一个是袁隆平先生和他的杂交水稻,正在处理东谈主们的吃饭问题;一个是周兴和先生和他的秸秆建材,正在处理东谈主们的住房问题”。恰当科技兴国的伟大战术。

